Scientific Committee

Prof. Berthold Koletzko - MD, PhD
President, European Academy of Paediatrics
Berthold Koletzko
Bert is the Else Kröner-Seniorprofessor of Paediatrics at LMU – Ludwig Maximilians Universität Munich, Dept. Paediatrics, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital, LMU University Hospitals, Munich, Germany. He was trained in paediatrics at Baragwanath Hospital, Johannesburg-Soweto, South Africa; Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center, Moshi, Tanzania; and the Children’s Hospitals of the Universities Düsseldorf, Germany and Toronto, Canada. His work focusses on metabolism and nutrition in childhood. Bert authored 1147 journal articles (Web of Science H-index 94; 34,585), 249 book chapters, and 45 books/monographies. His research funding of 20 Mio.€ during the last decade was provided by the European Union (EU), EU Research Council, German Research Council, German Ministries of Research and of Health, US NIH, and others. Bert was rated “World Expert” in research on “Breast Milk”, “Milk” and “Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena” and the world’s top-rated expert in the areas “Child Nutritional Physiological Phenomena” and “Child Nutrition Science”.

Dr. Lukasz Dembinski - MD, PhD
Chair, Scientific Committee
Dr. Łukasz Dembiński
Dr. Łukasz Dembiński is a specialist in pediatrics and gastroenterology with extensive experience in diagnosing and treating children with chronic diseases. Since the beginning of his career, he has been affiliated with the Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition at the Medical University of Warsaw, where he also mentors students and residents. He is particularly passionate about diagnostic, therapeutic and emergency endoscopy of the digestive tract. He has authored over a hundred scientific publications and textbook chapters in gastroenterology, nutrition, immunology and adolescent medicine. Dr. Dembiński serves as a board member of the Polish Society of Paediatrics and the European Academy of Paediatrics.

Prof. Teresa Jackowska - MD, PhD
President, Polish Society of Paediatrics

Artur Mazur
Artur Mazur
Prof. Dr. hab. Artur Mazur, MD, scientific discipline: medical sciences. Current position: Vice-Rector for the College of Medical Sciences at the University of Rzeszów; President of the European Childhood Obesity Group; Head of the Second Clinic of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology. Education: 1990 - Medical Doctor, Faculty of Medicine, M. Kopernik Medical Academy in Kraków; 1994 - Specialist in Pediatrics (Level I); 1998 - Specialist in Pediatrics (Level II) - exam passed with distinction; 2000 - PhD in Medical Sciences, Silesian Medical Academy in Katowice; 2010 - DSc in Medical Sciences, Silesian Medical University in Katowice; 2010 - Specialization in Endocrinology; 2017 - Professor of Medical Sciences. Area of interest: Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology; Rare and very rare diseases in children in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship; The role of nutrition in public health. 2012 - Lectures at ESPE Winter School; 2009-2012 - Lectures at European Childhood Obesity Group workshops. Membership in professional associations: President of the European Childhood Obesity Group (since 2013); Member of the European Academy of Pediatrics (since 2010); Vice-President of the Polish Pediatric Society (since 2010); Member of the Commission on Human Development, Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2007). Verified publications: 215 articles/abstracts in national and international scientific journals with a total impact factor of 262.876.

Luigi Titomanlio
Luigi Titomanlio
After a residency in Pediatrics in Italy, I moved to Paris, France, to improve my research skills in the Inserm U1141 Lab on Developmental Neurobiology. From 2005, I’ve been attending physician at the Robert Debré Pediatric Emergency Department of Paris, where I continued research on acute neurological disorders. Since 2015, I am Head of the Pediatric Emergency Department and Professor of Pediatrics at the Paris Cité University.

Iren Kantor
Iren Kantor
Kisvarda, Hungary
1992-Medical doctor (Hungarian Board certified)
1997-Pediatrics (Hungarian Board certified)
2000- Endocrinology (Hungarian Board certified)
2020-2022: Eötvös Lóránd University of Law
2024- present: Semmelweis University Health Care Management
Work places:
1992- 2010: SzSzB VM KH Josa Andras Hospital, Nyiregyhaza, Hungary: full employment
2010- present: SzSzB VM KH Josa Andras Hospital, Nyiregyhaza, Hungary: consultant in endocrinology and diabetes
2010- present: Primary care physician, Nyiregyhaza, Hungary
Special interest:
diabetes prevention, monogenic diabetes, obesity, telemedicine, education, data analysis
President of Hungarian Pediatric Primary Care Association
Hungarian Diabetes Association – Digital Diabetes Committee
EAP- Primary Care Council, Chair

Tom Arne Stiris
Tom Arne Stiris
Name: Stiris Tom Arne.
Place: Oslo.
Nationality: Norwegian
MD: 1979: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland/ National; Faculty of Medicin, UiO
Specialist:1987: Pediatric Medicine
Subspecialist 1993: Neonatology. / PhD: 1992: Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, UiO
Professor: 1990-94: Faculty of Medicine, Autonoma University, Madrid
Professor: 2014- 2023: Faculty of Medicine, UiO
Professor emeritus: 2023
Medical doctorate / PhD.
International positions: Council member of the European Society for Pediatric Research; (ESPR); 1998 – 2001; General Secretary ESPR ; 2001-2005; President - ESPR; 2005-2008.
Council member of EuroNet (European Neonatal Network) from 2002 – 2014; President of the Scientific Committees, Congress; European Academy of Paediatric Societies - EAPS, as well as president of the Organizing committee. Board member, the International Pediatric Research Foundation (IPRF), from 2008-2012; President of the organizing committee and member of the Scientific Committee, EAP; Vice-President EAP/UEMS 2010-2012; President EAP/UEMS 2012 - 2020

Nora Karara
Nora Karara
Nora Karara is a final year paediatric resident and global public health enthusiast, currently working in Primary Paediatric Care in the multicultural center of Berlin, Germany. Her expertise branches from hospital settings over a vaccination clinic to a paediatric public health center - always with a strong focus on prevention and patient-centered care.
She is an active founding member of the Young German Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ) and proud to be the new Chair of the Young European Academy of Paediatrics (YEAP).

Tomasz Szczepański
Prof. Tomasz Szczepański, MD, PhD
Since 2000 Tomasz Szczepański works at the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology in Zabrze of Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, where he obtained Specialist Certificates in Pediatrics (2005) and Pediatric Oncology and Hematology (2006) and serves as Head of the Department since 2009. In 2009 he received professorship from the President of Poland. Currently, Prof. Szczepański also serves at the Medical University of Silesia as Rector Magnificus. He is Vice-President of the Polish Pediatric Association. He is co-author of > 350 publications, cited > 8000 times, which resulted in Hirsch index of 45.